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Country by Country Index


This page contains links to a page for each country where can be found sundry country data, regulatory and licensing information and links to national societies which are known to have an internet address. Where a national society does not have an internet address then the IARU information link is provided if there is a unique page reference. Where society links are broken you are recommended to try the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) web site in the first instance as they list postal, telephone and e-mail addesses for all member societies. Also refer to information for amateurs wishing to operate in CEPT T/R 61-01 signatory countries which are coded green in the list below.

Afghanistan - amateur radio licensing reported to have restarted recently



-- country data below this line uses the old format - editing is in progress - watch this space for updated country data --

Andorra - Unio de Radioaficionats Andorrans (URA) - possibly a broken link. The IARU link is certainly dead. Try here for licensing information.

Angola - no information on a national society but try here for licensing information.

Anguilla - Anguilla Amateur Radio Society (AARS) - dead link but look at St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla Amateur Radio Society and try here for licensing information.

Antigua & Barbuda - Antigua and Barbuda Amateur Radio Society (ABARS) and here for the application form to be sent in advance to the Telecommunictions Officer, Public Works Building, St. John's.

Argentina - Radio Club Argentino (RCA) and here for licensing information and the application form.

Armenia - Federation of Radiosport of the Republic of Armenia (FRRA). Apply via the FRRA and complete this form.

Aruba - Aruba Amateur Radio Club (AARC) and here for licensing information and application form.

Ascension Island - here for licensing information.

Australia - Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) and here for licensing information.

Austria - Österreichischer Versuchssenderverband (ÖVSV)

Bahamas - Bahamas Amateur Radio Society (BARS) and here for licensing information.

Bahrain - Amateur Radio Association Bahrain (ARAB)

Bangladesh - Bangladesh Amateur Radio League (BARL) and here for licensing information and application form.

Barbados - Amateur Radio Society of Barbados (ARSB) and here for licensing information and application form.

Belarus - Belarussian Federation of Radioamateurs and Radiosportsmen (BFRR) and here for visiting permit.

Belgium - Union Royale Belge des Amateurs-Emetteurs/Koninklijke Unie van de Belgische Zendamateurs/Königliche Union der Belgischen Funkamateure (UBA) - which is what you get when you have three official languages! Information for visiting amateurs here.

Belize - Belize Amateur Radio Club (BARC) and here for licensing information.

Bermuda - Radio Society of Bermuda (RSB) and here for licensing information.

Bolivia - Radio Club Boliviano (RCB)

Bosnia & Herzegovina - Asocijacija Radioamatera Bosne i Hercegovine (ARABiH) and here for licensing information.

Botswana - Botswana Amateur Radio Society (BARS)

Brazil - Liga Brasileira de Radioamadores (LABRE) and here for licensing information.

British Virgin Islands - British Virgin Islands Radio League (BVIRL) and here for licensing information.

Brunei Darussalam - Brunei Darussalam Amateur Radio Association (BDARA) and here for licensing information and application form 1 and form 2.

Bulgaria - Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs (BFRA)

Burkina Faso - Association des Radioamateurs du Burkina Faso (ARBF) and here for licensing information.

Cambodia - here for licensing information and application form 1 and form 2.

Cameroun - Association des Radio Amateurs du Cameroun (ARTJ)

Canada - Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) and here for licensing information.

Cape Verde - here for licensing informaiton.

Cayman Islands - Cayman Amateur Radio Society (CARS) and here for licensing information and application form.

Central African Republic - here for licensing information.

Chad - here for licensing information.

Chagos Islands - here for licensing information.

Chile - Radio Club de Chile (RCCH) and here for licensing information and application form.

China - Chinese Radio Sports Association (CRSA) and licensing information.

Columbia - Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados (LCRA)

Comoros - here for licensing information.

Republic of Congo - here for licensing information.

Cook Islands - here for licensing information.

Costa Rica - Radio Club de Costa Rica (RCCR) and here for licensing information.

Croatia - Hrvatski radio-amaterski savez (HRS) and here for licensing information and application form.

Cuba - Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba (FRC)

Cyprus - Cyprus Amateur Radio Society (CARS) and here for licensing information.

Czech Republic - Cesky Radioklub (CRK) and here for licensing information from OK1RR.

Democratic Republic of Congo - Association des Radio Amateurs du Congo (ARAC)

Denmark - Experimenterende Danske Radioamatoerer (EDR)

Djibouti - Association des Radioamateurs de Djibouti (ARAD)

Dominica - Dominica Amateur Radio Club Inc. (DARCI)

Dominican Republic - Radio Club Dominicano (RCD) - dead link.

Ecuador - Guayaquil Radio Club (GRC) - dead link.

East Timor - unofficial club page and here for licensing information.

Egypt - Egypt Amateurs Radio Assembly (EARA) and here for licensing information.

El Salvador - Club de Radio Aficionados de El Salvador (CRAS) and here for licensing information.

Equatorial Guinea - no known amateur radio organisation exists.

Eritrea - here for licensing information and application form.

Estonia - Eesti Raadioamatooride Uhing (ERAU)

Ethiopia - Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society (EARS)

Falkland Islands - here for licensing information.

Faroe Islands - Foroyskir Radioamatorar (FRA) and for licensing information refer to Denmark.

Fiji - Fiji Association of Radio Amateurs (FARA) and here for licensing information and application form.

Finland - Suomen Radioamatooriliitto (SRAL) and here for licensing information.

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - Radioamaterski Sojuz na Makedonija (RSM)

France - Union Francaise des Radioamateurs (REF-Union)

French Polynesia - Club Oceanien de Radio et d'Astronomie (CORA) and here for licensing information and application form.

Gabon - Association Gabonaise des Radio-Amateurs (AGRA)

Gambia - Radio Society of The Gambia (RSTG)

Georgia - National Association Radioamateurs of Georgia (NARG)

Germany - Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC) and here for licensing information.

Ghana - Ghana Amateur Radio Society (GARS)

Gibraltar - Gibraltar Amateur Radio Society (GARS)

Greece - Radio Amateur Association of Greece (RAAG) and here for licensing information.

Greenland - here for licensing information.

Grenada - Grenada Amateur Radio Club (GARC) and here for licensing information.

Guadeloupe - for licensing information see France.

Guatemala - Club de Radioaficionados de Guatemala (CRAG)

Guyana - Guyana Amateur Radio Association (GARA)

Haiti - Radio Club d'Haiti (RCH)

Honduras - Radio Club de Honduras (RCH) and here for licensing information.

Hong Kong - Hong Kong amateur Radio Transmitting Society (HARTS) and here for licensing information.

Hungary - Magyar Radioamator Szovetseg (MRASZ) and here for licensing information.

Iceland - Islenzkir Radioamatorar (IRA) and here for licensing information.

India - Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI) and here for licensing information and application form.

Indonesia - Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia (ORARI) and here for licensing information.

Iran - Amateur Radio Society of Iran (ARSI) and here for licensing information.

Iraq - Iraqi Association for Radio Amateurs (IARA) and here for licensing information.

Ireland - Irish Radio Transmitters Society (IRTS) and here for licensing information.

Israel - Israel Amateur Radio Club (IARC) and here for licensing information and application form.

Italy - Associazione Radioamatori Italiani (ARI)

Ivory Coast - Association des Radio Amateurs Ivoiriens (ARAI) and here for licensing information.

Jamaica - Jamaica Amateur Radio Association (JARA) and here for licensing information and application form.

Japan - Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) and here for licensing information.

Jordan - Royal Jordanian Radio Amateur Society (RJARS) and here for licensing information.

Kazakhstan - Kazakhstan Amateur Radio Union, Box 112, 470055 Karaganda

Kenya - Amateur Radio Society of Kenya (ARSK) and here for licensing information.

Kiribati - here for licensing information.

Kuwait - Kuwait Amateur Radio Society (KARS)

Kyrgyzstan - Amateur Radio Union of Kyrgyzstan (ARUK) and here for licensing information.

Laos - local club information page and here for licensing information.

Latvia - Latvias Radioamatieru Liga (LRAL) and licensing information here.

Lebanon - Association des Radio-Amateurs Libanais (RAL) and licensing information here.

Lesotho - Lesotho Amateur Radio Society (LARS)

Liberia - Liberia Radio Amateur Association (LRAA) and here for licensing information.

Libya - amateur radio effectively banned since 1970.

Liechtenstein - Amateurfunk Verein Liechtenstein (AFVL)

Lithuania - Lietuvos Radijo Megeju Draugija (LRMD)

Luxembourg - Reseau Luxembourgeois des Amateurs d'Ondes Courtes (RL) and here for licensing information.

Macau - Associacao dos Radioamadores de Macau (ARM)

Madagascar - here for licensing information.

Malawi - here for licensing information.

Malaysia - Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters' Society (MARTS) and here for licensing information.

The Maldives - here for licensing information and official site here.

Mali - Club des Radioamateurs et Affilies du Mali (CRAM) and here for licensing information.

Malta - Malta Amateur Radio League (MARL) and here for licensing information and application form.

Mauritius - Mauritius Amateur Radio Society (MARS) and here for licensing information and application form.

Mexico - Federacion Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores (FMRE) and here for licensing information plus application form for US amateurs and non-US amateurs.

Moldova - Asociatia Radioamatorilor din Republica Moldova (ARM) and here for licensing information.

Monaco - Association des Radio-Amateurs de Monaco (ARM) and here for licensing information.

Mongolia - Mongolian Radio Sport Federation (MRSF) and here for licensing information.

Montserrat - Montserrat Amateur Radio Society (MARS) and here for licensing information.

Morocco - Association Royale des Radio-Amateurs du Maroc (ARRAM) and here for licensing information.

Mozambique - Liga dos Radio Emissores de Mocambique (LREM) and here for licensing information.

Myanmar - Burma Amateur Radio Transmitting Society (BARTS)

Namibia - Namibian Amateur Radio League (NARL) and here for licensing infomation.

Nauru - here for licensing information.

Nepal - here for licensing information.

Netherlands - Vereniging voor Experimenteel , Radio Onderzoek in Nederland (VERON)

Netherlands Antilles - Vereniging voor Experimenteel Radio Onderzoek, in de Nederlandse Antillen (VERONA) and here for license information and application form.

New Caledonia - Association des Radio-Amateurs, de Nouvelle-Caledonie (ARANC) and here for licenseing information.

New Zealand - New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART) and here for licensing information.

Nicaragua - Club de Radio-Experimentadores de Nicaragua (CREN) and here for licensing information.

Niger - no national club or society.

Nigeria - Nigeria Amateur Radio Society (NARS)

Niue - here for licensing information.

Norway - Norsk Radio Relae Liga (NRRL)

Oman - Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society (ROARS) (hacked) and here for licensing information.

Pakistan - Pakistan Amateur Radio Society (PARS) and here for licensing information.

Palestine - here for licensing information.

Panama - Liga Panamena de Radioaficionados (LPRA) and here for licensing information.

Papua New Guinea - Papua New Guinea Amateur Radio Society (PNGARS) and here for licensing information and application form.

Paraguay - Radio Club Paraguayo (RCP)

Peru - Radio Club Peruano (RCP)

Philippines - Philippine Amateur Radio Association (PARA) and here for licensing information and application form.

Pitcairn Islands - Pitcairn Island Amateur Radio Association (PIARA) or the islanders' web site and for licensing information contact the UK authorities.

Poland - Polski Zwiazek Krotkofalowcow (PZK) and here for licensing information.

Portugal - Rede dos Emissores Portugueses (REP) and here for licensing information.

Qatar - Qatar Amateur Radio Society (QARS) and here for licensing information.

Republic of South Korea - Korean Amateur Radio League (KARL) and here for licensing information.

Romania - Federatia Romana de Radioamatorism (FRR)

Russia - Soyuz Radiolyubitelei Rossii (SRR)

Rwanda - no national club or society.

Saint Lucia - no national club or society but here for licensing information and application form.

San Marino - Associazione Radioamatori, della Repubblica di San Marino (ARRSM)

Sao Tome and Principe - no national club or society but here for licensing information.

Saudi Arabia - Dharan Amateur Radio Society (dead site) and here for licensing information.

Senegal - Association de Radio-Amateurs du Senegal (ARAS) and here for licensing information.

Serbia and Montenegro - Amateur Radio Union of Serbia and Montenegro (SRSCG)

Seychelles - no national club or society found but here for licensing information.

Sierra Leone - Sierra Leone Amateur Radio Society (SLARS)

Singapore - Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society (SARTS) and here for licensing information.

Slovakia - Slovensky Zvaz Radioamaterov (SZR)

Slovenia - Zveza Radioamaterjev Slovenije (ZRS)

Solomon Islands - Solomon Islands Radio Society (SIRS) and here for licensing information.

Somalia - Somalia Ham Radio web site including licensing information for visitors,radio regulations and see also the official schedule.

South Africa - South African Radio League (SARL) and here for licensing information.

Spain - Union de Radioaficionados Espanoles (URE)

Sri Lanka - Radio Society of Sri Lanka (RSSL) and here for licensing infomation and application form.

St. Kitts & Nevis - St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla Amateur Radio Society and here for licensing information.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines - here for licensing information and application form.

Sudan - Sudanese Amateur Radio Association

Suriname - Vereniging van Radio Amateurs in Suriname (VRAS) and here for licensing information.

Swaziland - Radio Society of Swaziland (RSS)

Sweden - Foreningen Sveriges Sandareamatorer (SSA)

Switzerland - Union Schweizerischer Kurzwellen-Amateure (USKA)

Syria - Technical Institute of Radio (TIR)

Taiwan - Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League (CTARL) and here for licensing information and application form.

Tajikistan - Tajik Amateur Radio League (TARL)

Tanzania - Tanzania Amateur Radio Club (TARC) and here for licensing information.

Thailand - Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST) and here for licensing information.

Togo - no national club or society found but here for licensing information.

Tonga - Amateur Radio Club of Tonga (ARCOT) and here for licensing information and application form.

Trinidad and Tobago - Trinidad and Tobago Amateur Radio Society (TTARS) and here for licensing information.

Tunisia - Association Tunisienne des Radioamateurs (ASTRA)

Turkey - Telsiz Radyo Amatorleri Cemiyeti (TRAC) plus call areas and licensing information.

Turkmenistan - Liga Radiolyubiteley Turkmenistana (LRT)

Turks & Caicos Islands - Turks and Caicos Amateur Radio Society (TACARS) and here for licensing infomation and application form.

Tuvalu - here for licensing information.

Uganda - Uganda Amateur Radio Society (UARS) and here for licensing information.

Ukraine - Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL) - incredibly slow to respond but the link does seem to be correct.

United Arab Emirates - no local club pages found and apparently no foreign amateur has ever been issued with a call in the UAE.

United Kingdom - Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) and here for licensing information and application form.

United States of America - American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and here for licensing information and application forms.

Uruguay - Radio Club Uruguayo (RCU)

Vanuatu - Vanuatu Amateur Radio Society (VARS) and here for licensing information.

Venezuela - Radio Club Venezolano (RCV)

Vietnam - Vietnam Amateur Radio Club (VARC) (may be incorrect) and here for licensing information.

Wallis and Futuna - here for licensing information.

Western Sahara - seems to be DX'peditions only here at present.

Western Samoa - Western Samoa Amateur Radio Club (WSARC) and here for licensing information.

Yemen - no information.

Zambia - Radio Society of Zambia (RSZ)

Zimbabwe - Zimbabwe Amateur Radio Society (ZARS) (looks rather unofficial)

Acknowledgements: This page makes extensive use of material provided by the ARRL and, in particular, of material compiled by Veikko Komppa (OH2MCN) and friends. Particular thanks are due to those authorities who have responded by e-mail to requests for clarification so that information on this site can be as up to date and correct as possible. If you have any comments, corrections or updates to this material please contact the webmaster.

  Page updated on May 4, 2009